Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Blade of Grass

this is a book cover that is based on a story that I wrote last year in creative writing.

It happened one night while I was walking through the forest. The soft soil beneath my feet was cold, but refreshing. several yards from my colony I thought, "The sun will be coming up soon; maybe I'll climb a tree and watch the sun rise." I picked out the nearest tree and began to climb it. "He-he-he." I heard a voice silently giggle. I looked around. Left, right, up down...nothing there. "Hm. It must be my imagination," I thought. Then I began to clim again.
"Ha-ha-ha! Stop it! You're tickling me!" The tree shook violently, and I fell to the ground. "Oh! I'm sorry! I guess you tickled me so much I dropped you. are you hurt, my good fellow?"
I stared at the tree for a few seconds and said, "Yes, I am fine, I am fine." Then I stared for a few more seconds then cried out, "HOLY CRAP! IT'S A TALKING TREE!"
"Excuse me?" the tree said. "I am not a tree. I am a blade of grass."
"No, you're a tree."
"My good fellow, that way up there is a tree," it said pointing it's tip to the strange feathery thing above us. "I am simply a small blade of grass."
I was so confused, and all this time I believed that this "blade of grass" was always called a tree. Nobody in the colony would believe this if I told them about it. I wanted to turn around and leave this nonsense behind me but something inside me told me to stay a while longer. So I stayed and chatted with the blade of grass, it even let me climb it so that I could gaze up at the stars and the large quarter swiss cheese in the sky.
Soon the first rays of light shown in the distance and a fellow member of my colony walked up to me, "Hey, who are you talking to?" I blinked and found myself standing in the soft soil again and covered in dew. Turning to my friend I said, "I think I just talked to a blade of grass." He chuckled and said, "I think you've been drinking that contaminated water again." And he walked me back to the colony.
Meanwhile, the blade of grass perked up, "HOLY CRAP! THAT WAS A TALKING ANT!"

these are my first two logos. the one with the orange TH was my first logo that I actually rendered on the computer. there was another before that but I never rendered it so I can't show it. the one with the blue TH and my name in orange is my newest logo. I'll probably end up changing it several more times in the future but for now I'm content with what I got.

Lord of the Rings Poster

this is a lord of the rings poster that I made, the topic was to create a movie poster in the style of a famous designer, in this case Saul Bass. as you can tell his style is more rough and choppy, but that was just his style. so ya that's pretty much all I have to say about that. 

No White

this piece is a part of a collage project that my class and the sophmore class did. we were each assigned a design subject and a shape on the map they gave us and then we would have to create something that expressed the graphic design and communications field. my subject was no white and as you can see there is no white in my poster lol. the message I am portraying in this is the creative process which includes starting off with a drawing, then moving on to redrawing it on the computer and then viewing the final project, and the camera is in there because that is an option in the creative process too to do a little photography.

Sweet Shop Logo

this is another logo that I was assigned to do, but this was for a midterm assignment where we had to make a logo for a icecream, cake, pie, coffee etc. shop and then design a menu for it. I'm not putting my menu up because I didn't really like it. so ya. that's the sweet shop logo. I didn't really choose a specific font for it but instead hand rendered it except for the words "Icecream and coffee shop" below the main logo. I can't really remember what font I used for it but I just thought it fit best with the logo.

Lewis and Clark Logo

this project was a contest on who could make the best logo to be the new Lewis and Clark wildlife club logo. this logo is the one that won the contest and I'm pretty darn proud of it. I know it doesn't sound very exciting but to a young designer getting their name out to the public to make themselves known is what counts the most. the A is missing in the word Bismarck down below but I will soon put up the revised version of it.